Exploring JavaScript - Why is the typeof null "object"?

Table of Contents

This article begins with the question of why typeof null returns "object". Thus, the process of finding the answer is summarized and documented.


typeof result table

  • null was originally designed as a value representing the absence of an object reference.
  • Additionally, early implementations of typeof did not have specific logic for checking null.
  • Consequently, typeof null became established as "object", and attempts to correct this later failed.

1. Introduction

JavaScript has a typeof operator that returns the type of its operand as a string. For example, typeof 1 returns "number" and typeof "hello" returns "string".

typeof 1; // "number"
typeof "hello"; // "string"

However, typeof null returns "object". It seems odd that a value representing nonexistence is classified as an object.

I discovered this fact over a year ago. Previously, when I sought the reasoning behind it, most documents only mentioned historical reasons. More thorough explanations can be found in the article “The History of ‘typeof null’” and its original texts.

Having studied a bit more of JavaScript's history since then, I can now add a few more points regarding the result of typeof null. Thus, this article is written with newly acquired insights included.

2. Historical Reasons

This section primarily references the following materials:

  • "JavaScript: the first 20 years" authored by ECMAScript 6 editor Allen Wirfs-Brock and JavaScript creator Brendan Eich.
  • Multiple tweets and insights from Brendan Eich.
  • Articles by Axel Rauschmayer, who has written several books on JavaScript, explaining typeof, including comments from Brendan Eich.

The reason typeof null is "object" can be considered in two contexts. One is the historical significance mentioned in this section, and the other is a technical aspect.

From a historical standpoint, the reason typeof null is "object" is that null was initially created as a value indicating that an object reference, which should exist, is absent.

In JavaScript, there are two values that signify "nonexistence": null and undefined. Since these two are used similarly to indicate "nonexistence," distinguishing between them is a common interview question.

Of course, there are already many writings explaining the differences between these two due to their prominence as interview topics, and I am also preparing a separate article on this topic (TODO: add link when the article is written). So here, let’s focus on the essential points needed to answer our initial question.

Why is typeof null "object"?

2.1. null and undefined

In many programming languages, there is a single value representing 'no value' or 'empty reference'. In Java, this is null, and in Python, it is None. (The existence of this "none" value can also cause many issues, but that deviates from the article's topic, so let's move on.) However, JavaScript has both null and undefined.

Other languages represent this "absence" with a single value, so why does JavaScript separate it into two? This is tied to JavaScript's history.

When JavaScript first emerged, it was designed as a supplementary language to Java for non-professionals. One of its main goals was to assemble web components created with Java Applets or C++. Therefore, early JavaScript had to have syntax similar to Java. More details on JavaScript's history can be found in other articles (currently being written).

Due to this requirement, JavaScript adopted several features from Java, including the distinction between primitive values and objects. Consequently, JavaScript aimed to differentiate between a lack of an assigned value and the absence of an object reference.

The problem arises because, in Java, there is only one value that indicates "absence," which is null. However, the static typing of variables allows for the differentiation of meanings based on whether an object reference is present or not. In contrast, JavaScript lacks static typing, and a single variable can hold both object references and values. Therefore, there was no way to discern whether null signified an unassigned value or the absence of an object reference.

Thus, null was defined as a value indicating that an object reference, which should be present, is missing, and undefined was created to indicate that no assigned value exists.

In other words, null was used in contexts where an object value was anticipated, representing "there is no object." This was derived from Java's null and facilitated integration with Java-implemented objects.

2.2. typeof

In JavaScript 1.1, operators like delete, typeof, and void were introduced. Among these, the typeof operator returns the primitive type of its operand as a string.

At the time typeof was first implemented, typeof null was "object", and it remains the case today. This is because, as explained earlier, null represents the absence of an object reference.

Thus, while null itself is not an object, it can be seen as holding the meaning of an object, resulting in typeof null returning "object".

However, the issue is that Java did not have an equivalent to typeof and simply used null as the default value for uninitialized variables. As previously mentioned, in Java, the distinction between whether null is an object or primitive is based on the static type of the variable, meaning there was not a built-in connotation of null as an object.

In summary, the implementation of typeof naturally developed from a specific background, but it did not exhibit an entirely rational behavior.

JavaScript creator Brendan Eich recalled that the value of typeof null was a manifestation of "Leaky Abstraction" in the early Mocha implementation of JavaScript. This refers to instances where understanding the implementation details is necessary due to gaps in abstraction.

3. Technical Reasons

There is also a different reason why typeof null returns "object", which can be considered a technical bug. To understand this, one must look into how undefined and null are internally represented and how the typeof operator evaluates value types.

3.1. Implementation of undefined and null

As noted earlier, null represents a value indicating the absence of an object reference. Therefore, following the precedent in C where NULL pointers are defined as 0, null was defined as a value that is coerced to 0.

On the other hand, undefined, which signifies the absence of a primitive value, needed a representation that is neither a reference (since a reference would be an object) nor coerced to 0. Thus, undefined was defined as the special value 230-2^{30}.

Interestingly, due to this reason, in JavaScript today, null converts to 0, while undefined converts to NaN. This is because undefined is neither a reference nor coerced to 0!

Number(undefined); // NaN
Number(null); // 0

It is suggested that the choice to coerce null to 0 was a good decision. The automatic coercion of null to 0 seems to have been useful at the time.

Regardless, keep in mind that null converts to 0 and undefined to NaN, and let’s see how typeof evaluated these values.

3.2. Early Implementation of typeof

When the JavaScript prototype (originally named Mocha) was being developed in May 1995, values were stored using a C-style discriminated union.

A structure was created to hold a type tag and values stored within a union, and this tag determined how the union value would be interpreted.

The existing code is not present, but by synthesizing several materials, we can speculate that JavaScript values were likely structured as follows. The engine was not open source and has never been publicly disclosed, so the exact implementation is unknown.

enum TypeTag {

struct Value {
    enum TypeTag tag;
    union {
        double number;
        char* string;
        struct Object* object;
        bool boolean;
    } value;

When actually reading the value, the tag was utilized to determine how to read it. For instance, a function titled printValue could be implemented like this:

void printValue(struct Value* value) {
    switch (value->tag) {
        case NUMBER:
            printf("%f", value->value.number);
        case STRING:
            printf("%s", value->value.string);
        case OBJECT:
            printf("%p", value->value.object);
        case BOOLEAN:
            printf("%s", value->value.boolean ? "true" : "false");

Thus, it is reasonable to assume that typeof was implemented to read the appropriate type string based on the tag.

How were the special values undefined and null implemented? As previously noted, undefined was a special value coerced to NaN and represented by 230-2^{30}, making it suitable for comparison. null, on the other hand, was equivalent to a NULL pointer, thus being 0.

However, typeof had no special processing logic for null. Given the requirement to resemble Java, combined with a mere ten days of prototyping time, the null value was simply assessed as an object due to the historical context.

Based on certain sources, it can be speculated that when typeof was implemented without specific logic for null, the tag value of null was treated as equivalent to OBJECT. As previously mentioned, null represented a value encompassing the meaning of an object. Consequently, typeof null yielded object.

JS_TYPE typeof(struct Value* value) {
  JS_TYPE type = value->tag;
  JS_OBJECT* obj;

  if(JSVAL_IS_VOID(value)) {
    type = JS_TYPE_VOID;
  } else if(JSVAL_IS_NUMBER(value)) {
    type = JS_TYPE_NUMBER;
  } else if(JSVAL_IS_STRING(value)) {
    type = JS_TYPE_STRING;
  } else if(JSVAL_IS_BOOLEAN(value)) {
    type = JS_TYPE_BOOLEAN;
  } else if(JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(value)) {
    obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(value);
    if(obj && ...function judgment logic...) {
      type = JS_TYPE_FUNCTION;
      type = JS_TYPE_OBJECT;
  return type;

Alternatively, it could also be hypothesized that since the type tag for objects was 0, checking the tag value of a null structure, initialized to all bits 0, would yield a result equivalent to OBJECT (the enum in the previous code was crafted with this intent).

In this case, the code might resemble the following:

JS_TYPE typeof(struct Value* value) {
  JS_OBJECT* obj;

  switch (value->tag){
    case JS_TYPE_OBJECT:
    // As the tag is 0, the null structure initialized with all bits 0 falls in here
      obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(value);
      if(obj && ...function judgment logic...) {
        type = JS_TYPE_FUNCTION;
      } else{
        type = JS_TYPE_OBJECT;
    case JS_TYPE_VOID:
      type = JS_TYPE_VOID;
    case JS_TYPE_NUMBER:
      type = JS_TYPE_NUMBER;
    case JS_TYPE_STRING:
      type = JS_TYPE_STRING;
      type = JS_TYPE_BOOLEAN;
  return type;

Consequently, it came to be that in the early engine, typeof null was assessed as the "object" type.

4. Unresolved Bug

This was, of course, a bug, but it remained uncorrected for quite some time.

4.1. Introduction of Type Tags

In 1996, efforts began to eliminate the technical debt of the initial JavaScript implementation for standardization and other purposes. During this period, the method of representing values transitioned from discriminated unions to tagged pointers, and the new engine was released under the name "SpiderMonkey."

This engine did not use discriminated unions. Instead, it employed tagged pointers that included a tag indicating the type of value. The values were stored in 32-bit units, with the first 1 to 3 bits serving as type tags and the remaining bits storing actual values or references.

There were five types of type tags:

  • 000: object, with the data being a reference to an object.
  • 1: integer, with the data being a signed 31-bit integer.
  • 010: float, with the data being a reference to a double precision floating-point number.
  • 100: character, with the data being a reference to a character.
  • 110: boolean, with the data being true or false.

Thus, the lowest bit of the type tag determined its length; if the bit was 110, the lowest bit was 0, indicating a length of 1; if the lowest bit was 0, the tag length was 3, thus representing four types (using 2 bits).

This included the special value for undefined, represented as 230-2^{30}, and the NULL pointer (actually 0) corresponding to null.

4.2. New Implementation of typeof

In this engine, the implementation of typeof changed as well. It now determined the appropriate type string based on the type tag. However, the issue was that there was no explicit logic to check for the value of null.

Since null is represented as 0, checking the type tag of null would naturally yield 0, corresponding to the object type tag. The following code outlines how typeof was executed, providing an explanation for why null, or the value 0, is determined to be "object".

JS_PUBLIC_API(JSType) JS_TypeOfValue(JSContext *cx, jsval v) {
    JSType type = JSTYPE_VOID;
    JSObject *obj;
    JSObjectOps *ops;
    JSClass *clasp;

    if (JSVAL_IS_VOID(v)) {  // (1)
        type = JSTYPE_VOID;
    } else if (JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(v)) {  // (2)
        obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v);
        if (obj &&
            (ops = obj->map->ops,
              ops == &js_ObjectOps
              ? (clasp = OBJ_GET_CLASS(cx, obj),
                clasp->call || clasp == &js_FunctionClass) // (3,4)
              : ops->call != 0)) {  // (3)
              // Check if it is a function or class
            type = JSTYPE_FUNCTION;
        } else {
            type = JSTYPE_OBJECT;
    } else if (JSVAL_IS_NUMBER(v)) {
        type = JSTYPE_NUMBER;
    } else if (JSVAL_IS_STRING(v)) {
        type = JSTYPE_STRING;
    } else if (JSVAL_IS_BOOLEAN(v)) {
        type = JSTYPE_BOOLEAN;
    return type;

In line (1), it checks if the value is undefined. In line (2), it checks if the value is an object. Given that the type tag of null is 0, it naturally proceeds to line (2) and ultimately determines the returned type as JSTYPE_OBJECT, since null cannot have any function or class properties.

This could have provided a filter to identify null, but due to the rush of development, such logic was omitted. Thus, null was evaluated as "object" in typeof.

#define JSVAL_IS_NULL(v)  ((v) == JSVAL_NULL)

In summary, the implementation of the typeof operator involved reading specific tag values contained within the values. null, with a tag value that indicated an object type, returned "object" without any special handling logic.

As everyone knows, this has caused significant confusion for those seeking to ascertain whether a value is genuinely an object through the typeof operator. After all, the expression typeof obj === "object" also returns true when obj is null, leading to runtime errors when accessing properties of null.

5. Conclusion

"I think it is too late to fix typeof. The change proposed for typeof null will break existing code."

This was undeniably a bug, and attempts to rectify it have been proposed several times since. However, due to an excessive amount of existing code relying on that behavior of typeof, it became challenging to introduce a breaking change.

Notably, even Brendan Eich acknowledges the fact that the behavior of typeof null === "object" is a bug. Yet, fixing this issue now would disrupt too much existing code. Therefore, it has been suggested to gradually deprecate typeof rather than correct it immediately.


“The History of ‘typeof null’” https://github.com/FEDevelopers/tech.description/wiki/%E2%80%9Ctypeof-null%E2%80%9D%EC%9D%98-%EC%97%AD%EC%82%AC

NaN and Infinity in JavaScript https://2ality.com/2012/02/nan-infinity.html

Categorizing values in JavaScript https://2ality.com/2013/01/categorizing-values.html

JavaScript history: undefined https://2ality.com/2013/05/history-undefined.html

JavaScript quirk 1: implicit conversion of values https://2ality.com/2013/04/quirk-implicit-conversion.html

JavaScript quirk 2: two “non-values” – undefined and null https://2ality.com/2013/04/quirk-undefined.html

The history of “typeof null” (and comments from Brendan Eich) https://2ality.com/2013/10/typeof-null.html

Brendan Eich's tweet on the presence of both undefined and null https://twitter.com/rauschma/status/333252517628628992

JavaScript types and data structures https://developer.mozilla.org/ko/docs/Web/JavaScript/Data_structures

JavaScript: the first 20 years https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3386327, pages 12-13

Is conversion from null to int possible? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6588856/conversion-from-null-to-int-possible

Leaky Abstraction in development http://rapapa.net/?p=3266

C/C++ Tagged/Discriminated Union https://medium.com/@almtechhub/c-c-tagged-discriminated-union-ecd5907610bf