Sogang University Pintos - project 0

Table of Contents

1. Starting Pintos

The Operating System course assigned Pintos as a project. Project 0 involves installing Pintos and executing simple commands. Follow the instructions provided in the accompanying PPT.

QEMU and other necessary tools for running Pintos are provided by cspro, so there is no need for separate installation. Begin by downloading the provided pintos_modified.tar.gz file and extracting it.

tar -xvzf pintos_modified.tar.gz

You need to add environment variables using the .bashrc file. The .bashrc file is located in the ~/ directory, so open it with vi ~/.bashrc and add the following line.

export PATH=/sogang/under/cseXXXXXXXX/pintos/src/utils:$PATH

Here, cseXXXXXXXX represents your student ID. The pintos/src/utils directory contains the scripts needed to run Pintos. After adding the line, execute source ~/.bashrc to apply the changes.

Next, navigate to the directory with cd ~/pintos/src/threads and run make to compile the thread portion of Pintos.

Then, move to src/threads and execute the following command.

pintos -v -- -q run alarm-multiple

Pintos will execute and the alarm-multiple command will run.

At this point, you can provide several options to the simulator running Pintos, which must be separated from the commands passed to the Pintos kernel. This separation is handled by --. Thus, the command format becomes pintos Pintos simulator options -- Pintos kernel argument .... Possible options can be viewed with the pintos command. For example, -v is an option to disable the VGA display.

Among the commands above, -q appears after --, so it is an argument passed to the Pintos kernel, indicating that Pintos should terminate after output completes.